If you like your blog , you can keep your blog.

   I got a letter from the Tyrant today.

  It said ,” If I like my blog I can keep my blog “.

  I was so excited to get a letter from the supreme ruler. I didn’t even know my blog was in jeopardy , but what did that matter , if I was so special as to be selected from among kerbllions to carry on with my mission. What my exact mission is , I’m still not clear, but who am I to question wisdom of the Omnipotent one ?  

  Upon further examination of the correspondence , It became clear to me , that things were not so clear at all.

  Not all subject matter is to be allowed , While a list of acceptable subjects is provided , no action of the typing sort is permitted ,  untill the list has been completed . Once the list has been completed , all blogs will be reviewed by the Tyrant’s staff , to make sure it meets appropriate criteria. Just what  criteria is , will be determined in time .

 The blog will no longer be free to all. Some will pay a fee based on volume , and ability to pay. Others will not be limited to volume  , but only by their ability to pay and still others will have no limits on volume and will pay nothing.

  I tried to check the website , but it is down and all the phones are busy.

  Thank God , I saw him on T V and he assured us all , that if we like our blogs then we can keep them.

  I feel so much better now.


4 comments on “If you like your blog , you can keep your blog.

  1. Dina says:

    🙂 Enjoyable reading!
    Love, Dina


    • luckyoldman says:

      Thanks much Dina.
      I enjoyed your pics of Scotland very much. My daughter has been living in Edinburgh for over four years and I have been fortunate enough to visit five times so far.It’s truly a beautiful land , and so full of history. I have hundreds of pics myself.
      Lucky Old Man


      • Dina says:

        Thanks! 🙂 Lucky Man indeed! 🙂 I hope to be able to see a lot more of Scotland soon. Starting with Edinburgh, then the Outer Hebrides, The Orkneys and … Well I can dream, can’t I. 🙂 It all starts with a dream …


  2. luckyoldman says:

    I forgot to tell you that my daughter camped on four or five of the Outer Hebrides Islands , and they had a fantastic adventure. She highly recommends the trip.


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